
Perrin Lathrop

Assistant Curator of African Art


Perrin M. Lathrop is the Assistant Curator of African Art at the Princeton University Art Museum. She has held curatorial and research positions and fellowships at the Newark Museum, Fisk University Galleries, the Phillips Collection, the Smithsonian, and the Paul Mellon Centre. She earned her Ph.D. in Art & Archaeology and African American Studies from Princeton University in 2021, after completing her BA at New York University and her MA at the Courtauld Institute of Art. Her research, teaching, and curatorial projects explore the interlocking intellectual histories and networks of nationalism, Pan-Africanism, and modernism that informed art produced under the strictures of colonialism in Africa. Perrin was co-curator of the traveling exhibition African Modernism in America with Fisk University Galleries and the American Federation of Arts (2022–24). The exhibition publication, which Perrin edited, won an Award for Curatorial Excellence from the Association of Art Museum Curators (2023), the Arnold Rubin Outstanding Publication Award from the Arts Council of the African Studies Association, and an Alfred H. Barr Jr. Award from the College Art Association (2024).