Currently not on view
Portrait of a man, recarved from an anta capital
ca. 79–96 A.D.
Believed to have been in the collection of Col. Morgan, a cousin of J.P. Morgan, Pulborough, Sussex.; purchased from Mathias Komor, New York. in 1953.
<em>Antiquités égyptiennes, grecques et romaines, appartenant à P. Philip et à divers amateurs: sculptures, peintures, bronzes, étoffes, faiences, figures de Tanagra, verres irisés, dont la vente aura lieu les 10, 11 et 12 avril 1905, à l'hôtel Drouot...</em>, (Évreux: Impr. de C. Hérissey, 1905).
6920 1905"Acquisitions," <em>Record of the Art Museum, Princeton University</em> 13, no. 2, (1954): p. 62-63., p. 62
848 1954Cornelius Vermeule, "[Reviewed Work]: Opuscula romana. vol. I",<em> American journal of archaeology</em> 59, no. 4 (Oct., 1955): p. 349-351., p. 350
6923 1955<p><em>The Carl Otto von Kienbusch, Jr. Memorial Collection</em> (Princeton: Princeton University Art Museum, 1956)</p>, no. 26 (illus.)
1824 1956Cornelius C. Vermeule, "Greek and Roman portraits in North American collections open to the public", <em>Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society</em> 108, no. 2 (1964): p. 99-134., p. 99-134
1886 1964Dale Kinney, "'Spolia, damnatio' and 'renovatio memoriae'",<em> Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome</em> 42 (1997): p. 117-148., p. 118, figs. 1-2
2808 1997Sheramy D. Bundrick; Eric R. Varner,<em> From Caligula to Constantine: tyranny and transformation in Roman portraiture</em>, (Atlanta, GA: Michael C. Carlos Museum, 2001). , p. 224-225; cat. no. 59
2265 2001J. Michael Padgett, ed., <em>Roman sculpture in The Art Museum, Princeton University, </em>(Princeton, NJ: Art Museum, Princeton University, 2001)., cat. no. 94
2140 2001Herbert Beck, Peter C. Bol and Maraike Bückling, eds., <em>Ägypten Griechenland Rom: Abwehr und Berührun: Städelsches Kunstinstitut und Städtische Galerie, 26. November 2005 - 26. Februar 2006</em>, (Frankfurt: Das Städel, Städelsches Kunstinstitut und Städtische Galerie; Tübingen: Wasmuth, 2005). , p. 709-710; cat. no. 320
2807 2005