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White-robed Guanyin,

1640 (stone); late 19th to first half of 20th century (rubbing)

Li [Yongyang] 李[永陽], painter, active 17th century
[Yang] Yi[chun] [陽]一[春], carver, active 17th century
Ming dynasty, 1368–1644


White-robed Guanyin

1640 (stone); late 19th to first half of 20th century (rubbing)

Hanging scroll; ink rubbing on paper
image: 132 x 38.7 cm. (51 15/16 x 15 1/4 in.) 152 x 43 cm. (59 13/16 x 16 15/16 in.)
Credit Line
Gift of George Rowley
Object Number
Place Made

Asia, China

Register 1: 白衣大士 “White-robed Bodhisattva [Guanyin]” Registers 2-3: 白衣大悲五印心陀羅尼經[] 淨口業真言: 唵。修俐修俐。摩訶修俐。修修俐。 薩婆訶 安土地真言: 南無三滿多,沒馱喃,唵,度嚕 [instead of 沒 many versions write 母] 度嚕,地尾薩婆訶。 開經偈: 無上甚深微妙法,百千萬 劫難遭遇;我今見聞得受 持,願解如來真實義。 啟請: []首大悲 婆盧羯帝 從聞思脩 入三摩地 振海潮音 應人[圈]世 隨有希[求] 必獲如意 南無本師釋迦牟尼佛 南無本師阿弥陀佛 南無寶月智嚴光音自在王 佛 南無大悲觀世音菩薩 南無白衣觀世音菩薩 前印.後印.降魔印.心印.身 印.陀羅尼.我今*持誦神咒。 惟願慈悲降臨護念。 即說真言曰: 南*無喝囉怛那,哆囉夜耶, 南無阿利耶,婆盧羯帝,鑠鉢 囉耶,菩提薩埵婆耶,摩訶 。。。迦嚕尼迦 耶,唵哆唎,哆唎,咄哆唎,咄咄 哆唎,娑婆訶 白衣大悲五印心陀羅尼經終 晉右將軍王羲之書 大明崇禎十三年四月八日 岐陽素心道人虔誠集 Dharani Sutra of the Five Mudra of the Great Compassionate White-robed One [hereafter White-robed Sutra] “Jing []ye zhenyan 淨[]業真言 (“mantra of purifying verbal karma” that is included in many Buddhist scriptures including the Diamond Sutra) . . . “An tudi zhenyan” 安土地真言 (“mantra for pacifying the earth spirits” that is included in many Buddhist scriptures including the Diamond Sutra): . . . “Kaijing jie” 開經偈 (sutra-opening gāthā) [from White-robed Sutra]: The subtle and wondrous dharma of utmost profundity is difficult to encounter over millions, nay billions of kalpas. Now that I have heard it [with my own ears], I will take it securely to heart And hope I can understand the true meaning of the Tathagata. [trans. in Yuhang Li, Becoming Guanyin: Artistic Devotion of Buddhist Women in Late Imperial China (New York: Columbia University Press, 2019)]. “Qing qi” 啟請 (invocation) [gāthā from White-robed Sutra]: Bowing my head to the Great Compassionate One, Bo-lu-jie-di. Practicing meditation focused on the sense of hearing, [The bodhisattva] entered Samadhi. Raising the sound of the ocean tide, Responding to the needs of the world. No matter what one wishes to obtain, [She] will unfailingly grant its fulfillment. [trans. in Yuhang Li, Becoming Guanyin]. Homage to Great Compassionate Guanshiyin bodhisattva Homage to White-robed Guanshiyin bodhisattva Front mudra, back mudra, mudra of subduing demons, mind mudra, body mudra. Dharani. I now recite the divine mantra. I beseech the Compassionate One to descend and protect my thought. [Here is the mantra]:. . . . Dharani Sutra of the Five Mudra of the Great Compassionate White-robed One. End. In the calligraphy to the Jin dynasty Right General Wang Xizhi. 8th day, 4th month, 13th year of Chongzhen reign of the Great Ming dynasty. Piously gathered by Suxin Daoren 素心道人 [unidentified] of Qiyang [Shaanxi province]. Rubbing seal: “[][]” sq. relief Register 5: 白衣經 “White-robed Sutra” 郡人李[永陽]筆 岐山[陽]一[春]刻 [need better photo] Rubbing seals: “ ” rect. relief “ ” oval relief
Images and Buddhist text related to the White-robed Guanyin bodhisattva arranged in five horizontal registers. At top is a scene titled “White-robed Bodhisattva [Guanyin]” with the deity seated on a lotus mound surrounded by swirling waves. The next three registers contain a 1640 inscription by Suxin Daoren 素心道人 (unidentified) of Qiyang, Shaanxi province, with selected gatha hymns, mantras, and names of the Buddha that are gathered under the title of Dharani Sutra of the Five Mudra of the Great Compassionate White-robed One. The calligraphy is attributed to famed calligrapher Wang Xizhi 王羲之 (303-361) of the Eastern Jin (317-420). At bottom is a scene of a monk seated under a contorted rock with a book in front on the ground; at right is the title “White-robed [Guanyin] Sutra.”