Currently not on view
Pyxis with molded female head
early 6th century B.C.
Before 1931 with Franz Trau, Vienna, Austria (d. 1931); November 15, 1954, sold with rest of Trau collection, Galerie Fischer, Lucerne; from 1954 until an unknown date, with Athos Moretti, Bellinzona, Switzerland; from an unknown date until April 1991 with Stefano Donati, Lugano, Switzerland; from April 1991 to 1992 with Royal-Athena Galleries, New York, NY; from 1992 - 2010 with Dr. Sol Rabin, Beverly Hills, CA; purchased by the Museum in 2010.
<em>Antikensammlung, Nachlass Franz Trau, Wien: Ägyptische, etruskische, kyprische und römische Altertümer, Gläser, Terrakottafiguren, Vasen, Bronzen, dakischer Silberfund, ägyptische Totenmasken El Fayum, Marmorfiguren und Reliefs, Sarkophage</em>, (Wien?: Galerie Fischer, 1954).
7051 1954<p><em>Art of the ancient world</em>, (London; New York: Royal-Athena Galleries, 1965-).</p>, Vol. 7, pt. 1: no. 262
2112 1966"Acquisitions of the Princeton University Art Museum 2010," <em>Record of the Princeton University Art Museum</em> 70 (2011): p. 69-110., p. 86
2974 2011